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Project AnnaSeva

Project AnnaSeva

MID-DAY MEAL – Bihar The Musahar community is a marginalized Dalit community spread across eastern Uttar Pradesh, southern Nepal, Bihar, and Jharkhand. In Bihar, they are known as rat eaters due to their traditional occupation as rat catchers, which many are...
Survivor to Saviour…

Survivor to Saviour…

I was in my first-year of college when mother Teresa passed away. I was so influenced by her life and work, that I decided to join her missionaries of charity and dedicate my life to serving others. All the paperwork was done, but just at the last moment, my mother...
Project Silan

Project Silan

Silan means girls in Maasai. This is intended to be a transitional shelter to provide protection against or recovery for girls rescued from female genital mutilation. FGM is usually a precursor to forced early marriage and pregnancy.

Project Unnati

Project Unnati

Project Ujaala beings light into the lives of women by preparing them to be financially independent. We are running various short term sub-projects under Project Ujaala


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